My Blog Story

When I decided to start writing in this blog actively, aku jadi kepikiran konsep layout blog nya akan seperti apa yang bener-bener represents my self supaya aku jadi lebih semangat dan ngga males-malesan kaya dulu lagi buat ngisinya hehehe.. And thanks a lot to Falaqie Nila yang udah rela dibawelin untuk bantuin buat layout blog simple-clean dengan dominan nuansa warna pink fuschia and monochrome which is my most favorite color :p

And also thanks to Katherine Karnadi for the lovely illustration yang bahkan pas pertama kali aku liat aku langsung comment, "Kok jadi cantikan gambarnya dibanding aslinya ya Kath hahaha". Yup this illustration is sooo me padahal ngga ada request untuk pakai warna pink as a background dan aksen flowernya gitu, maybe Kath can read my mind yaa hihi.. This illustration is very detailed to describe how I put my makeup for daily look (really love the eye with winged liner part!).

Yesss for my daily makeup (like the illustration above), I usually put on neutral eyeshadow color, winged eyeliner, and mascara to freshen my sleepy eye. Add peachy-pink blush on my cheek to give instantly blushing effect that will suit with any lipstick color, and also put my favorite Ultra Hi-Matte Lipstick from my baby brand MAKE OVER (kalau yang ini sesuai mood aja, sometimes nude, soft pink, fuschia, or even red), oh ya sama ngga lupa harus alisan! :p karena zaman sekarang eyebrow bisa jadi salah satu simbol harga diri wanita hahaha.. 
Last but not least I will try to post the tutorial soon on the next post hihihi..


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